Increase critical- and logical-thinking skills
Basic risk/benefit scenario: what happens if I move here? Chess is about evaluating consequences. Tools include calculation and visualization. Enormous wealth of material on benefits of chess here.

Practice creative problem-solving techniques
Approaching problem-solving confidently and creatively. Applications include navigating school-related themes, in and out of the classroom. New research here.
Learn to win and lose gracefully
Cultivating respect and dignity for everyone. Promoting awareness and discipline; balancing confidence with humility. Learning how to deal with raw emotions and practicing techniques to integrate skills.

Learn how to play chess—the world’s most popular board game! Chess is easy to learn, and anyone can play it.
35 Activities explained by educator and former #1 woman in N.C., Jessica Martin (formerly Prescott). And her new book which starts out for beginners and progresses to more challenging strategies on how to win!
Engaging illustrations and short chapters make these books accessible to kids and adults!
Available on Amazon, at BN, & wherever books are sold.