OTCB offers 3 programs for schools
Choose the option that works best for your school. Each program can be customized to better serve the number of grades/classes/participants in your community.

Benefits of Chess in the Classroom
The research is overwhelming, both scholarly and academic. We often are able to reach children who otherwise may not believe they are good at chess or math. Sometimes, kids who think they will not like or be good at chess (and this includes parents) are surprised by how much they enjoy and excel at it. We secretly infuse all the academically necessary skills into the “game.” Chess has been proven to increase both math and reading scores.
club only
chess club with professional instruction one hour a week
piece movement to tactics and advanced strategies
end-of-year tournament
lessons on history, culture, & sportspersonship
Chess club can be paid for by the parents of members, the PTA, the school or a combination of the three. With enough interest we can create one day of club and another called "team" for more competitive kids. (Or "beginner" and "advanced.")
Contact us for pricing and to start a club at your school, or to augment your current club with renewed motivation and professional, structured lessons!
chess club 1.5 hours immediately after school
open to 1st-5th grade
instruction designed to meet students’ needs
ladder competition
end-of-year tournament
chess etiquette
introductions to city-wide tournaments
reaches out to high flyers
includes children who are excelling or in advanced classes or TD already
children receive one class period of chess a week
Often this motivates borderline strong students to work harder to get into this bonus chess class, during the school day. Numbers are limited.
Chess club after school is open to anyone who wants to learn or improve.
Contact us for pricing and more details or to meet with your principal, headmaster, PTO president, TD teacher, or SLT now.
chess club 1.5 hours immediately after school
open to all grades
instruction designed to meet students’ needs
ladder competition
end-of-year tournament
chess etiquette
introductions to city-wide tournaments
take the place of math class once a week, in the classroom
include all children in the classroom
provide basic arithmetic, pattern recognition, and logical sequencing
tailored to fit the grade and level of the class
The full-day program targets an entire grade. The chess instructor comes in during regularly scheduled math and teaches chess fundamentals, which incorporate the math skills being taught that week. Then, students who wish to pursue a more rigorous or competitive side to chess will come to club after school, also once a week.
This program can be increased to include multi-grade levels.
Contact us for pricing and more details or to meet with your principal, headmaster, PTO president or SLT now.